Noten – Deel 5. In opdracht naar India
Afkortingen: |
Adyar archief |
Archief van de Theosophical
Society, Adyar, Madras, India |
Cranston archief |
Archief van Sylvia Cranston, Santa Barbara,
Californië |
De Zirkoff archief |
Archief van Boris de Zirkoff, Theosophical
Society, Wheaton, Illinois |
Pasadena archief |
Archief van de Theosophical Society,
Pasadena, Californië |
TC Bombay |
The Theosophy Company, Bombay, India |
TC Los Angeles |
The Theosophy Company, Los Angeles,
Californië |
TPH Adyar |
The Theosophical Publishing House Ltd.,
Adyar, Madras, India |
TPH Londen |
The Theosophical Publishing House Ltd.,
Londen |
TPH Wheaton |
The Theosophical Publishing House Ltd.,
Wheaton, Illinois |
TUP Den Haag |
Theosophical University Press Agency,
Den Haag |
TUP Pasadena |
Theosophical University Press, Pasadena,
Californië |
1. Edward Conze, Buddhism:
Its Essence and Development. Het stichten van de Theosophical Society
in 1875 is opgenomen in het aanhangsel met een lijst van belangrijke
gebeurtenissen in de geschiedenis van het boeddhisme.
2. Edward Conze, Buddhism:
Its Essence and Development, 210-11
3. Carl T. Jackson, The
Oriental Religions and American Thought: Nineteenth Century Explorations,
4. John B.S. Coats, The
Theosophist, juni 1975, 151-52; Head and Cranston, Reincarnation:
The Phoenix Fire Mystery, 477-79; ‘Death of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan’,
The Eclectic Theosophist, 15 november 1975
5. The Middle Way,
mei 1973, 44
6. Blavatsky, ‘Our
Three Objects’, Lucifer, september 1889, 1-7; ook in
H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, 11:391-400
7. Olcott, Old Diary
Leaves, 4:81-95
8. The Theosophist,
Supplement, Madras, India, augustus 1885; 279; verkorte weergave uit
Indian Mirror
9. Louis Fischer, The
Life of Mahatma Gandhi, 437; Mahatma Gandhi (Ned. vert.),
10. The Theosophical
Movement 1875-1950, 71
11. Fischer, The
Life of Mahatma Gandhi, 437; Mahatma Gandhi (Ned. vert.),
12. Blavatsky, ‘Our
Three Objects’, Lucifer, september 1889; ook in H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 11:391-400
13. Blavatsky,
The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 206
14. James D. Hunt, Gandhi
in London, 34; The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, volume
1: 1884-1896, 354
15. Hunt, Gandhi
in London, 31
16. M.K. Gandhi, Autobiography,
90-91; Het verhaal van mijn eksperimenten met de waarheid,
17. Young India,
12 november 1925. Gandhi verklaarde over dit voorval: ‘Mijn contact
met twee Engelse vrienden dwong me de Gita te lezen, ik zei
‘dwong me te lezen’, omdat het niet mijn eigen wens was
het boek te lezen . . . Ik schaamde me over mijn onwetendheid. Het deed
pijn me te realiseren dat ik totaal niets wist over mijn heilige boeken.
Trots lag, denk ik, aan mijn gevoel ten grondslag.’ De Gita
werd het belangrijkste boek in zijn leven.
18. M.K. Gandhi, The
Teachings of the Gita, voorwoord
19. Gandhi, The
Teachings of the Gita, 7, 9
20. Cranston and Williams,
Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion and Society,
228, 229; M.K. Gandhi, Gandhi’s Autobiography: The Story of
my Experiments with Truth, 60, 90-91, 321
21. Gandhi, The
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, volume 1: 1884-1896, 355; Pyarelal
Nair, Mahatma Gandhi, volume 1: The Early Years, 259
22. Gandhi, Autobiography,
23. The Canadian
Theosophist, november-december 1983, 101
24. Jawaharlal Nehru,
Toward Freedom: The Autobiography of Jawaharlal Nehru, 28
25. Indira Gandhi, ‘The
Future of Man’, The Theosophist, april en mei 1983, 279
(Besant Lecture, Adyar, Madras, India)
26. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:143
27. Blavatsky, H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 4:132-36
28. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:21, 24-25; Robert S. Ellwood, Jr., Alternative
Altars: Unconventional and Eastern Spirituality in America, 130;
Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 198-99
29. [Laura Holloway
Langford], ‘Extracts from Letters Written by William Q. Judge
from Paris to a Longtime Friend’, The Word, New York,
april 1912, 23
30. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:42-44
31. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:46-71
32. H.P. Blavatsky,
The Word, New York, juli 1908, 204
33. Jinarajadasa, Letters
from the Masters of the Wisdom, 2:68-69
34. The Theosophist,
april 1881, 158-59
35. Vera P. Zhelihovsky,
‘Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’, Lucifer, februari
1895, 470
36. Blavatsky, brief
van Mej. Burr, 18 juni 1879, De Zirkoff archief
37. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:230-31
38. Blavatsky, H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 4:97
39. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 40; The Theosophist,
oktober 1879
40. Blavatsky, brief
aan generaal-majoor Doubleday, 16 juli 1879, The Theosophist,
oktober 1879; Pasadena archief
41. Beatrice Hastings,
redacteur, New Universe, ‘Try’, deel 1, nummer
2 (december 1937), 18
42. The Theosophist,
deel 1 (1879-80), herdruk Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, Californië;
The Theosophist, deel 2 (1880-81), herdruk Eastern School Press,
Talent, Oregon, 1983; Edmonton Theosophical Society luxe gekopieerde
uitgave van deel 1-6 van The Theosophist; Eastern School Press
(3185 Boyd Road, Cotopaxi, Colorado 81223), gekopieerde sets van deel
3-8 van The Theosophist
43. Michael Gomes, ‘Damodar
– A Hindu Chela’, The Theosophist, september 1985,
44. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:212-13
45. Damodar K. Mavalankar,
‘The Path in India’, The Theosophist, mei 1880,
46. Judge, De Oceaan
van Theosofie, 7-8
47. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:28
48. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:114
49. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:129
50. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:131-33
51. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:131-33
52. Eek, Damodar
and the Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement, 38
53. Eek, Damodar
and the Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement, 40
54. Damodar K. Mavalankar,
‘Can Females become Adepts?’, The Theosophist,
oktober 1883, 23; T. Subba Row, Esoteric Writings, 568
55. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:34, 36, 46, 56, 67, 83
56. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:74-75, 138
57. Samgharakshita,
Anagarika Dharmapala, a Biographical Sketch, 18-20. Samgharakshita,
geboren Dennis Lingwood, werd tot boeddhistische monnik gewijd
58. Blavatsky, La
Revue Spirite, oktober 1878; H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings,
59. Blavatsky Association,
Proceedings of the Blavatsky Association, nummer 1, 13 november
1924, 54-55
60. Edward Buck, Simla,
Past and Present, 2de uitgave, 162-63
61. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 353
62. Hume, ‘The
‘Saturday Review’ and ‘The Theosophist’,
The Theosophist, Supplement, december 1881, 2-4
63. K.F. Vania, Madame
H.P. Blavatsky: Her Occult Phenomena and the Society for Psychical Research,
64. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:234
65. A.P. Sinnett, The
Occult World, 9de uitgave, 1969, 60-61
66. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:365-67
67. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:228-31; The Theosophist, juni 1929, 214-15
68. Sinnett, The
Occult World, 70
69. Sinnett, The
Occult World, 82-83
70. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 1-5
71. Sinnett, The
Occult World, 119
72. Blavatsky, H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 2:511
73. Blavatsky, De
Sleutel tot de Theosofie, 254
74. Blavatsky, Some
Unpublished Letters of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, 149-50
75. Wachtmeister, Reminiscences
of H.P. Blavatsky and ‘The Secret Doctrine’, 48
76. Janet Oppenheimer,
The Other World: Spiritualism and Psychical Research in England
1850-1914, 173
77. The Theosophical
Forum, mei 1936, 343-46
78. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 289-90
79. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 18
80. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 9
81. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 15, 43
82. Gecombineerde
chronologie, 48-49; Combined Chronology, 46-47; Jinarajadasa,
Letters of the Masters of the Wisdom, 1:7-9
83. Blavatsky, Five
Messages to American Theosophists, 29; H.P. Blavatsky aan de
Amerikaanse Conventies 1888-1891, 49
84. Blavatsky, ‘Practical
Occultism’, Spiritual Evolution (H.P. Blavatsky Pamphlet
Series), TC Los Angeles, 8; ook in Studies in Occultism, 1-9;
en in H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, 9:155-62
85. Blavatsky, ‘Is
the Desire to ‘Live’ Selfish?’, Spiritual Evolution
(H.P. Blavatsky Pamphlet Series), TC Los Angeles, 31; ook in H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 6:241-8
86. Blavatsky,
‘Buddha’ and ‘Buddha Siddharta’, The Theosophical
Glossary, 64-67; Samgharakshita, A Survey of Buddhism,
87. Blavatsky, H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 1:299
88. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:266-86
89. A.P. Sinnett, The
Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, TPH Londen, 1992, 34-37
90. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, aanhangsel II, 376-86
91. Francesca Arundale,
My Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 17
92. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 312-14
93. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 2:252-60
94. Blavatsky, brief
aan haar familieleden; hoogstwaarschijnlijk van eind september 1882;
Russische tekst in Russkoje obozrenije, november 1891, 290;
Engelse vertaling in The Path, New York, deel 10, (september
1895), 169
95. Blavatsky, brief
aan vorst Alexander Dondoekov-Korsakov, Adyar archief; gebrekkige Engelse
vertaling in H.P.B. Speaks, 2:95-102
96. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 38
97. Zie ook D. Mavalankar,
‘A Great Riddle Solved’, The Theosophist, december
1883, 61-62
98. Nicholas Roerich,
Shambhala, 16-17
99. ‘Mahatma’s’,
The Path, september 1895, 170-71; Blavatsky, brief aan haar
tante Nadjezjda Fadjejev, omstreeks 20 december 1882, kort na haar verhuizing
naar Adyar; Russische tekst in Russkoje obozrenije, november
1891, 293; Engelse vertaling in The Path, september 1895, 170-71
100. Judge, ‘Habitations
of H.P.B. – No. 2’, The Path, deel 7 (juni 1892),
101. Jackson, The
Oriental Religions and American Thought, 170; Lyman Abbott, ‘The
Parliament of Religions’, The Outlook, deel 48 ( 30 september,
1893), 583
102. The Theosophist,
december 1982, 106-8
103. The Theosophist,
oktober 1985, 9-10
104. T. Subba Row,
Esoteric Writings, xxi
105. Henry Steel Olcott,
‘The Death of T. Subba Row’, The Theosophist, juli
1890, 576-78; Eek, Damodar and the Pioneers of the Theosophical
Movement, 602
106. The Theosophical
Forum, 15 maart 1935, 188
107. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 300
108. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 95-96; Eek, Damodar
and the Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement, 664-65
109. Adyar Bulletin,
mei 1909, 156-59; herdrukt in The Canadian Theosophist, mei-juni
1983, 26-27
110. Blavatsky, De
Sleutel tot de Theosofie, 84-85
111. Blavatsky, De
Sleutel tot de Theosofie, 85
112. Blavatsky, ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky IV’, The Path, maart 1895, 415
113. The Theosophist,
Supplement, september 1883, 6
114. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 44, 305, 336-37,
384, 412, 442-48, 481
115. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 445-52; The
Word, New York, april 1912, 20
116. Bulletin
Théosophique, Parijs, juli 1974; vertaald door Boris de
Zirkoff, De Zirkoff archief
117. Franz Hartmann,
‘Autobiography of Franz Hartmann’, The Occult Review,
januari 1908, 17
118. Hartmann, ‘Autobiography
of Franz Hartmann’, 22-23
119. Hartmann, ‘Autobiography
of Franz Hartmann’, 34; Blavatsky, H.P. Blavatsky Collected
Writings, 8:454-57
120. Emma Coulomb,
Anglo-Indian Ceylon Times, Ceylon, 5 juni 1879
121. The Word,
New York, april 1912, 18, 19
122. Michael Gomes,
‘Interview with Madame Blavatsky’, Parijs, 1884, The
Canadian Theosophist, november-december 1986, 97-101
123. The Theosophist,
november 1931, 201
124. Lady Caithness,
The Mystery of the Ages, Londen, Wallace Publishing, 1887
125. Sinnett, Incidents
in the Life of Madame Blavatsky, 262-63
126. The Word,
New York, april 1912, 22
127. Charles Leadbeater,
How Theosophy Came to Me, 43-45; Theosophical Quarterly,
oktober 1910, 110; Bertram Keightley, ‘Reminiscences of H.P.B.’,
2-3; Sinnett, Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, 54-57; Arundale,
My Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 20-21
128. First Report
of the Committee of the Society for Psychical Research, 126; Sinnett,
The Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, 56; Zjelikovsky, ‘Pravda
o Jelene Petrovne Blavatsky’, Rebus, 1883, 68-69
129. Sinnett, The
Early Days of Theosophy in Europe, 56
130. Ransom, A
Short History of the Theosophical Society, 1875-1937, 198
131. Blavatsky, ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky, XII’, The Path, november 1895, 237
132. Blavatsky, ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky, VI’, The Path, mei 1895, 36
133. Judge, ‘H.P.B.
at Enghien’, Lucifer, juli 1891, 359-61; ook in Echoes
of the Orient, 2:17-20; Wachtmeister, Reminiscences of H.P.
Blavatsky, 102, voor verdere inlichtingen over de index van Isis
134. Vera Zjelikovsky’s
‘Report on the Paris Phenomena’ aan een Russisch tijdschrift
gezonden en herdrukt in Rebus, nummer 28 & 29 (juli 1884),
265, 275, privé in het Engels vertaald door Cathy Young, New
135. ‘H.P.
Blavatsky and the Theosophist’ (uit een brief aan de redacteur
van de Odesskij vjestnik), Parijs, 25 mei (6 juni), gepubliceerd
in Rebus, 15 en 22 juli 1884, 263-65, 273-75
136. Zjelikovsky,
‘Pravda o Jelene Petrovne Blavatsky’, Rebus, 1883,
137. Blavatsky, ‘Is
Creation possible for Man?’, The Theosophist, december
1881, 80; Blavatsky, Is Creation Possible? (Theosophy Company
Pamphlet 28), TC Los Angeles, 3; ook in H.P. Blavatsky Collected
Writings, 3:377-80
138. ‘Two H.P.B.
Letters’, The Theosophist, mei 1959, 87
139. ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky, VII’, The Path, juni 1895, 73-74
140. Jinarajadasa,
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 2:111-12
141. Jinarajadasa,
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1:34-35
142. Rosa C. Campbell
Praed, Affinities: A Romance of Today, Londen, Bentley &
Son, 1885
143. Arundale, My
Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 30-31, 42; Arundale, ‘Madame
Blavatsky and her Work’, Lucifer, juli 1891, 376-7
144. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 65
145. Laura Holloway
and Mohini Chatterji, Man: Fragments of Forgotten History,
Londen, Reeves and Turner, 1885
146. William Q. Judge,
brief uit Parijs, 30 april 1884, The Theosophist, november
1931, 201-2
147. Arundale, My
Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 73-74; Jinarajadasa, Letters
from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1:49-50
148. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 3:160; xxx
149. Ransom, A
Short History of the Theosophical Society, 1875-1937, 199
150. Ransom, A
Short History of the Theosophical Society, 1875-1937, 199
151. First Report
of the Committee of the Society for Psychical Research, 53vn
152. Arundale, My
Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 36-37
153. Gregory Bateson,
Het verbindend patroon, 44: ‘De uitvinding van de microscoop
of de telescoop of de techniek om nanoseconden te meten, of hoeveelheden
materie tot op een miljoenste gram nauwkeurig te wegen – al dergelijke
verbeteringen van onze waarnemingstechnieken openbaren dingen die volkomen
onvoorspelbaar waren vanuit de waarnemingsniveaus van vóór
die ontdekkingen . . . Hieruit volgt dat wat wij als wetenschappers
kunnen waarnemen, altijd wordt beperkt door drempels. Dat wil zeggen:
wat onbewust blijft, is geen graan voor onze molen. De wetenschap
onderzoekt; de wetenschap bewijst niets’; Cranston en Williams,
Reïncarnatie: een nieuwe horizon in wetenschap, religie en
samenleving, 47-48;
154. W. Anderson,
Open Secrets, A Western Guide to Tibetan Buddhism, New York,
The Viking Press, 1979
155. William Q. Judge,
interpretatie van De Yoga aforismen van Patanjali, 47
156. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 265-66
157. Jean Overton
Fuller, Blavatsky and Her Teachers, An Investigative Biography,
158. Jean Overton
Fuller, Blavatsky and Her Teachers, An Investigative Biography,
141. Dit boek bevat herdrukken van brieven die eerder in de september
en oktober 1884 nummers van Madras Christian College Magazine
werden afgedrukt.
159. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 102
160. Blavatsky, H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 6:434-36
161. Arundale, My
Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 45
162. The Theosophist,
Supplement, september 1883, 6
163. James Webb,
red., The Occult: The Society for Psychical Research Report on The
Theosophical Society, xi
164. Blavatsky, ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky VII’, The Path, juni 1895, 75
165. Sinnett, Incidents
in the Life of Madame Blavatsky, 289-90
166. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 115
167. Blavatsky, brief
aan Henry Steel Olcott, zomer 1885, HPB brievenmap, De Zirkoff archief
168. Francesca Arundale,
‘Madame Blavatsky, and Her Work’, Lucifer, 15 juli
1891, 376-80
169. ‘S.P.R.
Press Statement’, Theosophical History, Londen, Leslie
Price, red., april 1986, 127; Vernon Harrison, ‘J’Accuse:
An Examination of the Hodgson Report of 1885’, Journal of
the Society for Psychical Research, Londen, april 1986, 302-3
170. ‘Je ne
pardonnerai jamais dan ma vie . . . je ferai tout le mal que je puis
pour elle.’ Report of the Result of an Investigation into
the Charges against Madame Blavatsky, 1885, 133-34
171. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 110
172. Franz Hartmann,
Report of Observations Made During a Nine Months’ Stay at
the Headquarters of the Theosophical Society, Adyar, India, 32;
hierna genoemd The Hartmann Report, 1885, 133-34
173. Jinarajadasa,
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1:43
174. The Hartmann
Report, 35-36
175. The Hartmann
Report, 38-41
176. R.A.V. Morris,
‘The Two H.P. Blavatskys’, The Aryan Path, TC Bombay,
januari 1932, 56
177. Jinarajadasa,
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 2:131-32
178. Emma Coulomb,
Some Account of My Intercourse with Madame Blavatsky from 1872 to
1884, 111; geciteerd in Beatrice Hastings, Defence of Madame
Blavatsky, deel 2, The ‘Coulomb Pamphlet’, 89
179. The Hartmann
Report, 47
180. William Q. Judge,
‘Madame Blavatsky in India’, The Arena, Boston,
Massachusetts, maart 1892, 472-80
181. William Q. Judge,
‘Madame Blavatsky in India’, The Arena, Boston,
maart 1892, 472-80; ‘The So-Called Exposé of Madame Blavatsky’,
The Index, Boston, Massachusetts, 11 maart 1886, 441-42. Beide
artikelen herdrukt in Theosophical Articles by William Q. Judge,
2:255-64, 256-67; en in Echoes of the Orient, 3:122-24, 198-205
182. Harrison, ‘J’Accuse:
An Examination of the Hodgson Report of 1885’, 303, 306. ‘Harrison
had de leiding over een laboratorium met 40 medewerkers en leerde veel
over vervalsers en hun methoden. Hoewel gepensioneerd, werkt hij nog
steeds voor de rechterlijke macht als onderzoeker van dubieuze documenten’
(Theosophical History, Londen, oktober 1985, 68-69).
183. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 115-16
184. Vernon Harrison,
‘H.P. Blavatsky and the Psychical Researchers’, 25 maart
1984, toespraak voor de Theosophical Society of London, Engeland, gedrukt
in Viewpoint Aquarius, nummer 138; zie ook Harrison, ‘J’accuse:
. . .’, 288-89, 309
185. William E. Coleman,
Religio-Philosophical Journal, september 1893, 266
186. The Theosophist,
februari 1985, 185
187. Harrison, ‘J’Accuse:
An Examination of The Hodgson Report of 1885’, 310
188. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 110
189. Hastings, Defence
of Madame Blavatsky, deel 2: ‘The Coulomb Pamphlet’,
190. Adlai E. Waterman,
Obituary: ‘The Hodgson Report’ on Madame Blavatsky 1885-1960,
TPH Adyar, 1963
191. Gomes, ‘The
Coulomb Case, 1884-1984’, The Theosophist, februari 1985,
192. Fuller, Blavatsky
and Her Teachers: An Investigative Biography, 150-51
193. Fuller, Blavatsky
and Her Teachers: An Investigative Biography, 148-53, 240 aanhangsel
194. Hastings, Defence
of Madame Blavatsky, deel 2: ‘The Coulomb Pamphlet’,
195. ‘Report
of the Committee Appointed to Investigate Marvellous Phenomena Connected
with the Theosophical Society’, Proceedings of the Society
for Psychical Research, december 1885, 282-83; hierna genoemd The
Hodgson Report
196. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 98
197. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 102-3
198. Harrison, ‘J’Accuse:
An Examination of The Hodgson Report of 1885’, 295
199. Harrison, ‘J’Accuse:
An Examination of The Hodgson Report of 1885’, 308
200. Blavatsky, The
Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett, 348-51. In de voetnoot
op 349 spreekt de redacteur ten onrechte over het handschrift van meester
M, terwijl het in werkelijkheid dat van HPB is. Zie ook 250 en 257
201. Victor A. Endersby,
The Hall of Magic Mirrors: A Portrait of Madame Blavatsky,
89, 132, 160
202. Charles Marshall,
‘The Mahatma Letters – A Syntactic Investigation into the
Possibility of ‘Forgery’ by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a
19th Century Occultist’, Viewpoint Aquarius, Londen,
oktober 1980, 8-14
203. The Canadian
Theosophist, Calgary, Canada, november-december 1980, 98
204. The Hodgson
Report, 313-14
205. The Hodgson
Report, 314
206. Sinnett, Incidents
in the Life of Madame Blavatsky, 315
207. Mahatma’s
M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett, 526, aanhangsel
208. Blavatsky, memorandum
met negen punten aan haar collega Henry Steel Olcott, manuscript in
het Adyar archief; zie ook H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings,
6:410; Mahatma’s M en KH, De Mahatma Brieven aan A.P. Sinnett,
aanhangsel, 527; Blavatsky, The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky to A.P.
Sinnett, 76, 94
209. Michael Gomes,
‘The Coulomb Case 1884-1984’, The Theosophist,
Adyar, Madras, India, januari 1985, 143
210. Blavatsky, brief
woensdag, november 1885, van een kopie aan Olcott gestuurd in Bawaji’s
handschrift, getranscribeerd van het origineel in het Adyar archief;
ook beschikbaar in het De Zirkoff archief; Henry Steel Olcott, brief
aan Blavatsky, 21 oktober 1885, herdrukt in The Theosophist,
januari 1933, 402-6. Zie de brieven van Olcott in The Letters of
H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett
211. Blavatsky, ‘Echoes
of the Past’, The Theosophist, mei 1908, 757-58
212. Leslie Price,
Madame Blavatsky Unveiled?: A New Discussion of the Most Famous
Investigation of the Society for Psychical Research, 7-8
213. Blavatsky, ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky, VII’, The Path, juni 1895, 78
214. Blavatsky, ‘Letters
of H.P. Blavatsky, VIII’, The Path, juli 1895, 105-7
215. Blavatsky, brief
aan Henry Steel Olcott, november 1884, Adyar archief
216. Isabel Cooper-Oakley,
‘At Cairo and Madras’, Lucifer, juni 1891, 278-79
217. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 3:197; brief aan Olcott, 24 november 1884, Adyar
archief; zie ook het artikel van C.W. Leadbeater in Indian Mirror,
28 november 1884, over Mw. Coulombs schandelijke activiteiten in Caïro,
herdrukt in Eek, Damodar and the Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement,
218. Isabel Cooper-Oakley,
‘At Cairo and Madras’, 279
219. The Theosophist,
Supplement, maart 1885, 5
220. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 3de herziene uitgave, 1:97-98
221. Gomes, ‘The
Coulomb Case 1884-1984’, The Theosophist, januari 1985,
222. Gomes, ‘The
Coulomb Case, 1884-1984’, 141; Olcott, Old Diary Leaves,
223. Olcott, Old
Diary Leaves, 3:203
224. Hartmann, ‘Autobiography
of Dr. Franz Hartmann’, 28
225. Isabel Cooper-Oakley,
‘At Cairo and Madras’, 281-82
226. C. Jinarajadasa,
The Personality of H.P.B. (brochure), TPH Adyar, 1930, 19
227. Harrison, ‘
J’Accuse: An Examination of The Hodgson Report of 1885’,
228. The Theosophist,
Supplement, mei 1885, 195
229. Blavatsky, ‘Why
I Do Not Return to India’, brief van april 1890, herdrukt in The
Theosophist, januari 1922; ook in de brochure Theosophy and
H.P.B., TC Los Angeles; en in H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings,
230. Richard Hodgson,
‘The Defence of the Theosophists’, Proceedings of the
Society for Psychical Research, deel 9 (1894), 135; herdrukt in
James Webb (red.), The Society for Psychical Research, Report on
the Theosophical Society, 135
231. Hodgson, ‘The
Defence of the Theosophists’, 135
232. ‘Letters
of H.S. Olcott to Francesca Arundale’, The Theosophist,
oktober 1932, 48
233. Hartmann, ‘Autobiography
of Dr. Franz Hartmann’, 27-28
234. William Q. Judge,
Letters That Have Helped Me, 267
235. Arundale, My
Guest – H.P. Blavatsky, 2
236. Blavatsky, ‘Recent
Progress in Theosophy’, North American Review, Cedar
Falls, Iowa, augustus 1890; herdrukt in Theosophy and the Theosophical
Movement (HPB Pamphlet Series), TC Los Angeles; ook in H.P.
Blavatsky Collected Writings, 12:292-308
HPB: Het bijzondere
leven en de invloed van Helena Blavatsky, blz. 568-78
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